Mastering Your Emotions and Feelings - Part 1 (Using Acupressure)

In this video, Dr. Samuel A. Mielcarski, DPT (aka "The Health Raiser!") presents Part 1 of a 2-part series about Mastering Your Emotions and Feelings. In Part 1, Dr. SAM discusses what feelings, and emotions or "e-motions" (energy in motion) are, and how to process these emotions and feelings. 

You will have a better understanding of how to deal with your emotions and feelings in a safe and natural way. Dr. SAM provides a simple method of using specific acupressure points to help people cope with their emotions and feelings.

You will learn how to better deal with the following:

  • Fear

  • Anger

  • Grief

  • Heartbreak

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Worry

  • Enjoy!

People often leave Dr. SAM’s lectures, workshops, retreats, and private consults with a whole new way of thinking and appreciation about how to take charge of their health. His ability to teach, empower, and motivate others appears to be an innate gift. His common sense, non-invasive, and sometimes even comical approach to health and healing is truly unique. Dr. SAM’s guidance may not only change your life, it may even save it!